WWW Wednesday

Welcome to WWW Wednesday! This meme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived on Taking on a World of Words

The Three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?
What have you recently finished reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

It has been a bit of a busy week. But I still managed to finish my usual three books. I really enjoyed the audiobooks this week and highly recommend both of them. I am just about done with all of my ARCs that are coming out this year, so I will be taking November off from my Netgalley books and will be focusing on library books and books that I have bought recently.

What am I currently reading?

Her Dark Wings is the current ARC that I am reading. Not very far into it yet, but I am enjoying it so far. A retelling of the Persephone myth.

The Lies of Locke Lamora is wonderful and I am really enjoying it. I just wish the font was a bit bigger. I have to read it in short bursts, otherwise it gives me a headache. Still really liking it though.

A Symphony of Echoes is so much fun. I am really enjoying the audiobook. There is a part in the middle that I am a bit confused about, but hopefully that will clear up by the end of the book.

What have I recently finished reading?

Calamity was ok. Could have been a bit better with the world building, but I liked the character of Temperance and the story was quite good.

Remarkably Bright Creatures was a very emotional read and I just loved the chapters from the point of view of the octopus. If you like quiet emotional books this is one I would recommend.

A Blight of Blackwings was a solid middle book in this trilogy. There are a lot of characters to keep track of, but the two narrators do a wonderful job of giving a distinct voice to all of them.

What will I read next?

Rumors of Her Death will be the next book that I read. It is a mystery thriller that hopefully will be a little on the scary side.

Never a Hero will also be a next read. It is the sequel to Only a Monster and I am looking forward to where this different take on time travel will go.

Blonde Identity will be my next audiobook. I have not ever read anything by this very popular YA author, but this one sounded just up my ally.

Well that is my reading for this week and next. I hope you have all been enjoying whatever you have been reading. Take care of yourselves and stay safe. Until next time….

Happy Reading!


  1. I really enjoyed Locke Lamora when I read it earlier this year. I keep meaning to read the next one but haven’t got around to it yet. I definitely need to find the Jodi Taylor books as I keep seeing them around on blogs and they do sound interesting.

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