WWW Wednesday

Welcome to WWW Wednesday! This meme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived on Taking on a World of Words

The Three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?
What have you recently finished reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

Happy Wednesday to you all, I hope you are all doing well. My week has been super busy and it is not going to let up until next week I think. But it is a good kind of busy, so I don’t mind too much. I barely made it through my usual three books this week, but I was able to get them all done. Mostly because one of them was a great novella that I really enjoyed reading.

What am I currently reading?

Foul Days has started off really well. I am already invested in the main character and can’t wait to see how she survives loosing her shadow. This is my last ARC for this month, it comes out in June.

Song of the Six Realms is my next library book that I will be starting today. I hope the inside lives up to that cover.

A Whisper in the Walls is my newest audiobook and so far I am enjoying it although I am not very far into it yet. This is the second book in the Waxways series. I really enjoyed the first book, A Door in the Dark, and hope I feel the same about this one.

What have I recently finished reading?

The Hermit Next Door was a very fun novella. I loved the characters and found the hermit to be quite fascinating and someone I would love to meet.

Play of Shadows was a bit on the slow side and maybe a tad too long, but still a really enjoyable read. I enjoyed the characters and the story and the ending was perfect.

City of Bones was also maybe a bit too long, and I did struggle a bit with the reader, but overall I did enjoy this fantasy. It has great characters and a very twisty plot.

What will I read next?

The Undermining of Twyla and Frank will be the next ARC I need to read. I am so looking forward to going back to this world.

What Could Possibly Go Wrong is the sixth book in the Chronicles of St Mary’s. I have enjoyed all of the books in this series so far so I have hopes this one will be just as much fun. I think there is something like 14 books in this series, so I should probably think about getting more of these done this year.

Shades of Grey is my next audiobook. I really enjoy this author’s books and I am looking forward to starting this one soon. This is a futuristic look at a society where your status is determined by how you see color. Sounds interesting, doesn’t it?

Well that is this week’s books sorted. I have a very busy weekend again coming up, where I probably won’t get much reading done, but hopefully I will find the time to squeeze in some reading. Until next time….

Happy Reading!

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