2024 Photo Challenge Bingo!

This photo challenge is a monthly prompt based on a bingo card. The challenge is hosted by Of Maria Antonio. Visit her site for the prompts and other information about the challenge.

Prompt: Just Right?

About this picture:

A couple of weeks ago, I was mailing a package and the mail clerk told me to stop next door at the Starbucks because a mother duck had made a nest in the planter out front and the eggs had started hatching! What a silly place to make a nest, but apparently it was ‘Just Right‘ for her. You can see three ducklings and at least one egg in this picture. I’m not sure how many there were all together. When I went back a few days later, they were already gone.

I am one prompt away from having a bingo! This was a really good month for pictures and I was able to get two or three that will fit the prompts so I should have no trouble filling in prompts for the next few months.

Have you ever found a bird’s nest in an unlikely place? What do you think of this mama’s choice? Let me know in the comments!


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