WWW Wednesday

Welcome to WWW Wednesday! This meme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived on Taking on a World of Words

The Three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?
What have you recently finished reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

It was a busy reading week and for the most part I enjoyed what I was reading. Unfortunately I had one really disappointing read, and what made it worse was it was a book I had been looking forward to reading. Oh well, these things happen. My current reads are so far going well, although I have only just started two of them.

What am I currently reading?

Zero Stars Do Not Recommend is the first ARC I need to read for August. I have only just started it so don’t have much to say, but so far it is off to a good start.

A Tempest of Tea is my current library book. I am just starting this tonight so I don’t have anything to say yet. I am hoping that it will be good.

Heaven Breaker is my current audiobook and I am enjoying this space opera quite a bit. I really like the characters and all of the political intrigue is quite interesting.

What have I recently finished reading?

Right Here, Right Now was so good! I really enjoyed this look at two parallel worlds and the two characters whose lives were impacted by one event.

Blacklight Blue was the third book in the Enzo Files series and I really enjoyed it. I hope to get to the next book soon.

Long Live Evil was a big disappointment. I so wanted to like this book, but I found it confusing and a chore to finish. But the ending was good!

I Know Who You Are was a fascinating look at how DNA and Investigative Genetic Genealogy has helped to solve so many unsolved crimes. I should have my review up in the next day or so.

What will I read next?

Death At Morning House is another ARC I need to read for August. So looking forward to this new book by a favorite YA author.

Sweet Nightmare is my next library book that I need to read. I had mixed feelings about the last couple of books in this author’s last series, but I am willing to give her another chance with this new one.

Freeze Frame is the next Enzo Files book that I plan to listen to. I am really enjoying this series and this one sounds like it might be one of the best in the series.

That is it for this week. I am hoping this week will be full of good reading not just for me but for all of you too! Until next time…

Happy Reading!


  1. Heaven Breaker sounds like a great read. I do love a good Space Opera. It’s a shame about Long Live Evil but I’m glad that you enjoyed the rest of your books. I really loved Freeze Frame and I’m sure that you will do too. It was sooo good.


    1. I was a little bit leary about doing another long audiobook, but I really am liking Heaven Breaker. I’m ok with not liking Long Live Evil. I really just think it wasn’t the book for me. Many others love it! I am looking forward to reading Freeze Frame soon.

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