My July 2024 TBR

July is going to be my busiest month this year. I have family coming to visit from the east coast, I will then go visit them for a few days in Connecticut. Plus attending a wedding on the first weekend of the month. I have known how busy I was going to be for a while now, so why did I request seven ARCs from Netgalley for August!? I don’t know!? Things just got away from me, that’s all. Five of these books are from favorite authors. The other two are both debuts that I just couldn’t turn down. Luckily, I was able to get one of the debut books done this last week in June, so now I only have six ARCs to get through. I was tempted not to include any other books on my TBR this month, but I am going to be hopeful that I will get through some of my library books. I do have two long flights to and from Connecticut to get through!

Being so busy also might mean that I won’t be as active visiting everyone else’s blog or replying to comments, but I will do my best. Hopefully I will find the time to post everyday, but we shall see.

ARC’s I need to read this month

Death at Morning House is the longest book on this list, but I am sure it will read pretty fast.

Silent Sister is the second debut with a premise I just couldn’t pass up. (I have already read the other debut book and really enjoyed it)

A Sorceress Comes to Call was of course a book I wasn’t going to pass up.

Haunted Ever After is one I have been looking forward to for a while. Really wish they would come up with a new cover for this one.

‘Til Heist Do Us Part is a sequel to a book I just loved last year.

Full Speed to a Crash Landing is a novella so should also be a pretty quick read.

Other books I will read

Sweet Nightmare is the longest book on this part of the list, but these usually read pretty fast.

The Ministry of Time was making the rounds on the blogs I follow earlier this spring, and it sounded like a boo that I would find interesting. I just love a good time travel book.

How to End a Love Story looks pretty short and hopefully will also be a quick read. Hopefully it won’t be too sad.

Beautyland is a late comer to the list. This made the NY times best book so far this year list, so I decided to give it a chance. Not my usual kind of book, but you just never know until you read it.

That is a lot of books for such a busy month, but I am pretty sure I will at least get through my ARC’s. The audiobooks are usually what suffer when I am really busy, but I will try my hardest to get them done as well.

What wonderful books to you have on your list to read in July? Let me know in the comments.

Until next time…

Happy Reading!

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