2024 Photo Challenge Bingo!

This photo challenge is a monthly prompt based on a bingo card. The challenge is hosted by Of Maria Antonio. Visit her site for the prompts and other information about the challenge.

Prompt: Nowhere

About this picture:

My husband and I took a trip to the other side of our local mountain range, to Yakima, WA. Apparently this is the hops capital of the world, or at least the US. If you drink craft beers you may have heard of them. But that is just a little local color, as we were not there for the beer. We actually went to find the sandhill cranes, which we unfortunately missed. So we went for a hike in the Cowiche Canyon Conservancy. This land is owned by a local nonprofit that is trying to preserve this scrub-steppe habitat. There are lots of trails and hikes and all just a few minutes from downtown.

The part of the system we were walking on used to be a ranch. So we kept finding these bathtubs in the middle of nowhere, but with the most fantastic of views. Our best guess is they were using these as watering stations for the ranch animals. They no longer hold water, but they make for a great picture!

This picture also gives me my first bingo! I hope to get one more before the end of the year though, as I am a bit of an overachiever! But I just might skip around too.


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