ARC Review: A YA Thriller

A review for the newest YA thriller by Karen McManus. Such Charming Liars introduces us to a trio of teens who are caught up in a murder mystery that just might get them killed. A fast paced thriller that will have you rooting for these kids to stop a killer before it is too late.

Book Review:

A review for the newest book by Judy I Lin, Song of the Six Realms. I totally picked up this book because of that cover! I didn’t end up loving this book, but I did like it enough to consider reading her other series.

Book Review: Court of Shadows #2

A review for the newest book set in the Greatcoats world, Play of Shadows by Sebastien de Castell. A swashbuckling tale of reluctant heroes, found family, and theater troupe being pulled into political machinations that may get them killed. A beautifully written story with characters you will love and want to root for.

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