GoodReads Monday

This weekly meme was started by @Lauren’s Page Turners. It is now being hosted by Budget Tales Book Blog. To participate, choose a random book from your GoodReads TBR and show it off. Which sounds easy enough until you have to decide how to choose that book! I think I will use a different way each week, like picking a color or number of pages. I will let you know each week how I chose the book and then something interesting about it, like how it ended up on the list or why I want to read it. Got it? Okay let’s get started.

This is my last week doing the alphabet, mostly because I don’t have any books with titles starting with the last few letters. But that is ok. I think instead I will start talking about books that I am excited about reading next year! Wow, it is weird thinking that the year is winding up already.

This week’s choice is a backlist of a favorite author. Bonus points, both the title and the author’s name starts with our letter of the week, ‘W’!

The Wizard Hunters by Martha Wells

Published: May 2003

Summary from Amazon:

Ile-Rien faces the grim specter of its own imminent demise. Once a fertile and prosperous land, it is now under attack by the Gardier, a mysterious army whose storm-black airships appear from nowhere to strike without warning. Every weapon in the arsenal of Ile-Rien’s revered wizards has proven useless — their magic quickly identified by the enemy and rendered instantly impotent, their conventional arms spontaneously and inexplicably exploded. And the last hope of a magical realm under siege rests within a child’s plaything.

The tiny sphere was created for Tremaine Valiarde’s amusement when she was a child of twelve, presented to her by her uncle Arisilde, the greatest of all sorcerers. But the mage — among the first to identify the impending Gardier threat, along with Tremaine’s notorious father, Nicholas, and one of the first to die because of it — secreted a power within the orb capable of defeating the invaders. And now, years later, it falls to a young woman lacking any magical knowledge and ability to release it.

Tremaine’s initial attempts have disastrous consequences, transporting her to a strange world far removed from anything she has ever experienced or imagined. In this terrible and wondrous place — where primitive magic cultures lag far behind Ile-Rien’s sophisticated sorcery, where noble warriors clash with dark wizards, where starving demons prowl for prey and the Gardier prepare their assaults — Tremaine must somehow unlock the sphere’s powerful secrets . . . before the slow and monstrous awakening of a hideous evil is complete.

Most people only know Martha Wells for her Murderbot series, but she also has quite a few high fantasy books which are also excellent. I have slowly been making my way through her backlist and I hope to get to this series soon.

Hope you are all doing well and having a marvelous start to your week. Until next time…

Happy Reading!

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