Top 5 Wednesday

Top 5 Wednesday!

This week’s Topic is Books I’ve removed from my TBR.

This was a little tough for me.  I keep a to read list on Goodreads, but it is more of a list of books I might get to someday or upcoming books from series I’m reading. It is not terribly huge either, only 115 books.  But I was able to find five books that I should probably remove from my TBR, but I just can’t seem to do it.  I may still read them someday, so they are staying for now.


1. Elantris by Brandon Sanderson


I added this one after reading his Reckoner series.  I really enjoyed his writing style so wanted to read more by him.  I even got the audio book from the library, but then saw how loooong it was, and I just couldn’t do it.  For now anyways, I just don’t have time for a 27 hour book.  It still sounds really good though, I am not saying never to it yet.  


2. Sisters Red by Jackson Pierce

sisters red

I can’t remember for sure where I first saw this book, but I fell in love with that cover.  I was also heavy into the fairy tale retellings, but have since gotten over it.  I also have a friend who read it and didn’t like it much, and we have very similar tastes in books.  So I trust her judgement.  Still that cover!


3. Blackbringer by Laini Taylor

BlackbringerThis one is similar to Elantris, I really wanted to read something else by this author after reading The Daughter of Smoke and Bone series.  And I have tried to read this twice already, once with the book and again with the audio book.  For what ever reason, I just couldn’t click with this book.  Still it is Laini Taylor, so I will probably try again at some point. 


4. Shadow Queen by C.J. Redwine

The Shadow queen

Another retelling, and I am just not as interested as I was in them right now.  Actually I’ve been in a bit of a fantasy slump right now , and none of them are quite doing it for me. This one does have a pretty high rating on Goodreads, so it is staying for now. 



5. Exit, Pursued by Bear by E.K. Johnston

Exit pursued by a bearI loved the Story of Owen and so added this one to the list for that reason.  I think I have the audio book so I fully intended to read it at one point,  but every time I think about it and then reread the summary, I just think, “nope, not really what I’m into.”  Out of all of these books, this is probably the one I will be least likely to read anytime soon. 



That is it for this week.  Please stop by the Goodreads T5W page to see what other books people are considering not reading.  If you have strong feelings about me reading one of the books I’ve listed above, please let me know so I can reconsider.



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